martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones Nº 249, 26 de febrero, 2016

Enviado por José Antonio Sierra

Asunto: Boletín OEG de Prensa nº 249

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones
Nº 249, 26 de febrero, 2016
European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin
#249 (26 February 2016)
"Crackdown on rental villas starts", Costa Almería News, 26 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
Regional tourism authorities have confirmed that they have already started compiling data from online portals on short term rental properties ... ahead of a May 11 deadline for owners to register on the tourism registry (RTA).
"Claim EU vote", Round Town News, 26 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
David Cameron has now set the date for the ballot and all those eligible to cast a vote under the controversial 15-year rule must register, or re-register, to have their say. ... The UK Government has promised a ‘vote-for-life’ for all expats around the world but the legislation will not reach the statute books in time for the June ballot. But a Private Members Bill brought by MP Christopher Chope is due for a second reading in Parliament today (Friday). The Overseas Election Bill seeks to restore voting rights to all expats.
"Expat surge in referendum vote registration", Costa News, 25 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
The announcement of the date for the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union has triggered a surge in the number of British expats wanting to register to vote, according to the British Embassy in Madrid.
The story itself goes back 15 years to when Ann Clarke was awarded £775,000 by a court which found the NHS guilty of failing to help her...
Las medidas de “regeneración democrática” pactadas entre el PSOE y Ciudadanos incluyen ... que todos los residentes extranjeros –al menos los que se encuentran en una situación legal en España– sean incluidos automáticamente en el censo electoral, para que puedan votar y ser candidatos.
El acuerdo ... plantea restablecer la universalidad de la cobertura sanitaria y extiende el derecho a la protección de la salud y a la asistencia, en las mismas condiciones que los españoles, a los extranjeros inscritos en el padrón municipal.
"Uso residencial y turismo son compatibles", La Provincia, 24 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
El anteproyecto de la Ley del Suelo añade una nueva disposición transitoria a la Ley de Renovación y Modernización Turística de Canarias para permitir el uso residencial en las zonas turísticas ... los usos residenciales existentes en las zonas turísticas se considerarán compatibles...
UK and the EU: Better off out or in?”, BBC, 23 | 02 | 2016 - Reportaje
Leave campaigners say … that British expats living in EU countries would not be forced to return to the UK, they say, dismissing claims to the contrary as "scaremongering". Remain campaigners say: … About 2.2 million British citizens live in other EU nations, according to the most recent UK government estimates, with Spain playing host to the highest number of British expats... If Britain left it could become harder to do this. Britons may have to apply for visas to enter EU countries and those already living there may face integration rules, such as proving they can speak the language before gaining long-term residency rights.
Eurosceptic MP joins ‘in’ camp”, The Connexion, 23 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
…Conservative MP Roger Gale … has in the past been a Eurosceptic, voicing concerns about risks of a ‘Federal United States of Europe’, however, as he further explained to Connexion today, he now wants the UK to remain in the EU and his concern for expatriates is one of the main reasons for his change of heart.  … Asked by Sir Roger what the position would be for expats if the UK leaves, the Prime Minister replied: “I can tell those people what it will be like if we stay but I cannot be absolutely certain about what would happen if we leave. It would depend on a complex and difficult negotiation and I think there would be a lot of uncertainty.” … Sir Roger, who has previously fought for the rights of expats to maintain British disability benefits … told Connexion: “The possibility of leaving could have profound effects on the receipt of benefits by expat pensioners. I’ve discussed this with the minister for Europe and so much is unclear. At the moment they are exportable, under EU law.
EU referendum: expats step up 'In' campaign amid Brexit fears”, The Telegraph, 22 | 02 | 2016 - Reportaje (Elizabeth Roberts y Liz Phillips)
There are thought to be more than two million UK nationals living across the EU. As long as Britain remains in the union, they have their pension and health care rights protected. They also have the right to live, work and own property in Europe, and claim social security benefits. However, in the event of a Brexit, these advantages would be up for renegotiation – possibly on a country by country basis – leading to months of uncertainty. … Cave, a pensioner in France who runs the Votes for Expat Brits campaign, said: “If health care support ceased, some would find paying for full health insurance impossible… British pensioners might also be frozen out of any increases in the UK state pension like expats living in other parts of the world such as Canada and South Africa if Britain leaves the EU. … Cunningham, chairman of the Brits Abroad: Yes to Europecampaign, which is managed by the Brussels and Europe Liberal Democrats, said: “British expats who have lived outside the UK for less than 15 years qualify to be able to vote in the forthcoming referendum. They should immediately register to vote online if they have not done so already. "British expats who have been outside the UK for more than 15 years can still spread the word by encouraging friends and family to vote 'remain'."
Escondite inglés”, El País, 19 | 02 | 2016 - Opinión (José Ignacio Torreblanca)
El coste de las polémicas ayudas por hijo que Reino Unido concede a los residentes comunitarios … una cantidad menor que el Gobierno británico aspira a reducir a la mitad indexando dichas ayudas al coste de vida del país de origen del inmigrante, una medida discriminatoria por razón de nacionalidad y por tanto incompatible con los Tratados. Su aprobación podría generar un efecto cascada sobre, por ejemplo, los 750.000 rumanos establecidos en España o los españoles establecidos en Reino Unido o Alemania y, por qué no, sobre los 300.000 jubilados británicos residentes en España que, en buena lógica, deberían ver reducida la pensión que cobran del Gobierno británico en función del menor coste de vida de España.
"British Consulates work to increase awareness of dementia", Typically Spanish, 19 | 02 | 2016 - Noticia
British Consulates in Alicante and Malaga are working with expat support organisations including the Royal British Legion, Age Concern España, HELP and Age Care to improve services for people affected by dementia.
"How will a Brexit affect EU property owners?", A place in the Sun, 02 | 02 | 2016 - Reportaje (Nigel Lewis)
Those urging an exit say bilateral agreements either with the EU or individual countries would be struck to help establish a working system for UK expats and holiday home owners. Opponents say the EU’s strict immigration rules would make this difficult or impossible.
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